LONDON 2023: Click Hot Links, Not Paper

Sea serpent swimming through mosaic tiles at London's National Gallery ::

London 2023, you are out and about, paying rapt attention to your copy of Texans Touring LONDON. Taking in all the best sites. Seeing the most interesting things. Smelling the flowers or dancing in the rain.

When suddenly, you need to double check a certain something mentioned in the tome. Double check for the most up-to-date information so you don’t miss a single instant while roaming around the UK’s capital city.

But, alas, clicking on the paper copy of your guide returns disappointing results.

Click away, my friends!

Here are all the hot links you need – organized by page number – to quickly get the details you need.

Texans Touring LONDON 2023 Links

[ Page 2 ]

The QR code on page 2 leads to the Texans Touring books page. Here you can order another copy of Texans Touring LONDON, a copy of the next Texans Touring tome (which has yet to be determined – maybe San Antonio, maybe Paris) or a journal featuring Arnie the Armadillo that is great for any doodling or jotting, whether it’s for another fabulous travel destination or your grocery list. [ Texans Touring books QR code ]

[ Page 4 ]

The QR code from How to Best Use this Book brought you here.

[ Page 5 ]

I started a Facebook group for those of us interested in meeting like-minded tourists to share our London wins and fails with. To join, click the link, answer a couple super simple questions and, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, prepare to mingle. [ ]

Before You Go Links :: London 2023

Resources for London Fun Links

[ Page 22 ]

Visit London, the official guide for the city of London, is a treasure trove of information. Find information on transportation, accommodations and activities delivered in an easy-to-navigate format. Also a good spot to find maps and tour routes. [ ]

This QR code takes you to Get Your Guide. You’ll find similar information at Get Your Guide as you will at Visit London. However, Visit London only covers London. Get Your Guide is a great resource for finding and booking activities throughout London, the United Kingdom and around the rest of Europe (really, the entire civilized parts of the planet). [ ]

[ Page 23 ]

Pinterest is marvelous site for searching for travel itineraries by how many days you will be in London. Additionally, it’s so good for wardrobe planning and packing tips. This link will take you to my London Pinterest board. [ ]

Is your Passport current? Link

[ Page 27 ]

> One of the most important first steps when planning a trip to travel internationally, is to have a current passport. This link to the United States of America Department of State provides directions to get passports, international up-to-date travel information and visas. [ ]

Travel Budget Section

[ Page 30 ]

You may find times, while wandering around London, that lyrics to Gary P Nunn‘s London Homesick Blues (Home with the Armadillo) pop into your head, like when you’re zooming through Marble Arch Station. Crafting this book, the first line haunted me as I compiled the Travel Budget section.

Unfortunately, due to copyright laws, I wasn’t able to write the lyrics there on page 30 without risk of a hefty infringement woe, but you sure can, if you like. I’ve left a space for the first 17 words of the song.

Here’s the video…

Getting to London 2023 :: Tracking Down Your Best Flight Links

[ Page 44 ]

Google Flights is one of my favorite resources when tracking down flights. Easily search schedules and prices from every major airline without the extra wrinkle of other booking platforms’ contracted agreements that can influence search results. [ ]

[ Page 45 ]

This QR code leads you to [ ]

Shopping for Travel Insurance Links

[ Page 49 ]

Travel insurance is more important than ever to purchase. This QR code takes you to my post that breaks down where your best coverage can be found. [ ]

London Ground Transportation :: Oyster card and Contactless Links

[ Page 54 ]

A dizzying array of possible fares available for riding London’s public transit, Transportation for London (TfL). For tourist, the Oyster card comes highly recommended by people who know such things. [ ]

[ Page 55 ]

A homepage link to Transportation for London. [ ]

London Accommodations Links

[ Page 64 ]

With so many places to stay in London, this post will help you winnow down your accommodation choices. The QR code on page 64 of Texans Touring LONDON leads you to the post. [ ]

Tickets to Purchase in Advance Links

[ Page 66 ]

The Tower of London is one of the UK’s biggest tourist attractions. Admission prices are going up in May 2023, so you might want to click this link for details. [ ]

[ Page 68 ]

Warner Bros Studio Tour is a UK hot spot for Harry Potter fans. The attraction is 21 miles outside of London and the tour includes movie sets and costume viewing plus themed dining experiences and shopping. [ ]

The London Eye is another big tourist draw. To get the most current attraction information click here [ ]. To shop for discounted tickets, try the link below.

[ Page 69 ]

London Theatre Direct is a great starting point when shopping for theater tickets in London. The QR code leads to a West End theater district info page on this website. This link takes you directly to London Theatre Direct‘s home page. [ ]

Similar but different, the Official London Theatre site is a non-profit group representing the industry so the website is a little more show biz oriented. HOWEVER, they also run the famed, red Last Minute Ticket Booth in Leicester Square where good deals can be found. [ ]

[ Page 71 ]

There are so many Hop On Hop Off Bus options in London that I wrote a blog post. The QR code takes you here. [ ]

[ Page 74 ]

Fun travel deals? Yes, please! The QR code on page 74 takes you to a post that outline a few ways to get your best price on the entertainment you’d like to enjoy. [ ]

[ Page 75 ]

Changing of the Guard takes place most famously at Buckingham Palace. This website dives deep into all there is to know about viewing the spectacle. They also cover seeing the King’s Guard turned over at Windsor Palace and the Tower of London. [ ]

Useful Apps London 2023 Link

[ Page 76 ]

Where would we be without our phones? Probably lost or hungry. Follow this link to a blog post on Useful Apps for London, with links to smartphone resources that could save you vacation time and/or money. Or use the QR code on page 76. [ ]

What to Wear :: Packing Link

[ Page 83 ]

The TSA, or Transportation Security Administration, is responsible for safe travel across the United States. Their homepage [ ] will provide information and links to TSA PreCheck, ID requirements and the like. This link will take you to a current list of items you are allowed to carry-on the airplane with you. [ ]

Good to Know Links :: London 2023

Saying Hello Quotes

[ Page 101 ]

Interesting that I can quote ultra famous Winston Churchill and Jane Austen without fear of copyright infringement, but shrink in fear quoting lyrics I’ve paid to enjoy on LPs, 8-Track and cassette tapes as well as CDs, released by should-be-better-known New Wave artists, but here we are.

The lyrics I wanted to use from Squeeze‘s East Side Story album are buried in this song at :49. Enjoy the bop!

United Kingdom Currency :: Cash Money Link

[ Page 106 ]

Visit the UK’s Royal Mint‘s homepage from the US and they’ll try to interest you in some Harry Potter merch. [ ] If you’d prefer to see what coins the merchants of the UK’s capitol city will be handing you, visit this instead. [ coins currently circulating in the UK ]

Important Contacts Link

[ Page 123 ]

The United States of America has an embassy in London. This link provides safety alerts and a sweeping view of the services they provide. [ ] For directions and other contact information, visit this page. [ ]

Eating :: Restaurants Link

[ Page 133 ]

The two lines of Sting‘s Englishman in New York puts the United Kingdom’s differing attitude toward their morning breakfast routine with so much more eloquence than I ever could. However, like the Gary P Nunn bit above, to avoid penalties for copyright infringement I’ll provide you with a link to the video and a space to write in your copy of Texans Touring LONDON to jot down his wisdom.

[ Page 134 ]

More reliable than Yelp!, according to some Londoners, Harden’s Survey is a clunky and highly regarded website with restaurant reviews from real people. [ ]

Still, the [ OpenTable app ] may be a more likely choice. Please share better good food finding solutions in the comments.

William Shakespeare :: The BARD Game Link

[ Page 142 ]

William Shakespeare’s The BARD Game is a part scavenger hunt, part board game, devised for Texans Touring LONDON. You’ll find the clues to travel the board on page 142 of the tome, or visit the link for the same info and a free downloadable. [ ]

Select Free Admission Museums Links

[ Page 144 ]

Dedicated in 1998, the British Library doesn’t boast the awe inspiring architecture of some of London’s other public buildings. Yet, this is no book to be judged by its cover. The library houses an incredible collection on its ground floor that is well worth seeing. [ ]

Unlike the library, the architecture of the British Museum is fantastic! If I could only go to one museum while in London, the British Museum is the one I would chose. They’ve got it all, mummies, Roman ruins and medieval stuff. [ ]

[ Page 145 ]

The UK’s National Gallery is the mainstay of Trafalgar Square. Steps upon steps lead up to the huge Corinthian columns line the front of the building. Inside you’ll find a marvelous collection of art from around the world. [ ]

Oh. My. Goodness. London’s Natural History Museum is a treat. I’m a fan of nature, sure, but the building! They could fill this remarkable space with rocks and flowers (oh right, that’s what a natural history museum is) and the experience would be the same, amazing! [ ]

Located near the Natural History Museum, you’ll find London’s Science Museum. Like the scientific method itself, this museum is well thought out and organized to the 10th degree. [ ]

[ Page 146 ]

The Tate Britain is a museum filled with art created by British artists. Best known for it JMW Turner collection, the museum offers a lovely, chronological walk through the paintings (the collection is mostly paintings, but there are sculptures and other 2D pieces as well). [ ]

Another of England’s four Tate museums, the Tate Modern is dedicated to displaying contemporary and modern art from around the world. [ ]

[ Page 147 ]

The V&A, or Victoria and Albert Museum, is unique in its celebration of every day decorative art. As repository for the world’s largest display of applied arts, decorative arts and design, such as dinnerware and whatnot, the collections holds 2.27 million objects. [ ]

Donated to the British nation in 1827, the Wallace Collection is a world famous collection of some of the world’s most recognizable works of art. As if that weren’t enough, they are hosting a series of discussions and have an exhibit of art featuring dogs. [ ]

Abbreviated List of Paid Admission Museums Links

[ Page 148 ]

Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the United Kingdom’s monarch. Tours are offered seasonally. [ ]

The Royal Observatory is located on the southbank of the River Thames in Greenwich. One of four museums located on the site of the Prime Meridian, the Royal Observatory is home to a planetarium and a collection of time keeping tools. [ ]

[ Page 149 ]

The QR code on page 149 of Texans Touring LONDON takes you to a series on this website. [ ]

Texans Touring LONDON 2023

[ Page 175 ]

Want to order a copy of Texans Touring LONDON? Or a travel guide, planner and journal for another destination? Or perhaps a fun, purse sized dotted line journal with a Texas themed cover? This link and the QR on page 175 will take to that place. [ Texans Touring bookshelf ]

I do hope you found this page of hot links helpful! And I hope your London vacay is all you dreamed it would be.

Cheerio, y’all!

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Arnie the Armadillo also sports Journal Covers

Arnie the Armadillo journals are great for mixing and matching in red, white and blue AND 3 different designs ::

Texans Touring is proud to present the ruggedly handsome spokesmodel, Arnie the Armadillo, on the cover of NINE dotted-line journals. Take that other spokesmodels.

Unable to decide just what journal version of this hard-shelled ruffian to use, the choice now falls to you. The three designs shown above – Arnie in the spotlight, Texas Two-Step Arnie and Line Dancing Arnie – are each available in red, white and blue.

To order, please click on the photo or this link. Gracias!