London Museums: Prepare to be Amazed

Facade of London's Natural History Museum ::

The estimated number of museums in London is in the hundreds.

Hundreds! Which is just bonkers to me.

Until you consider London’s been populated since 47AD. Two thousand years is a long time for a nation to collect knick-knacks. Past and present, that’s a lot of folks collecting and saving things for posterity, so naturally they need hundreds of museums to display it all.

A List of London Museums

Texans Touring LONDON is a travel guide, planner and bullet journal designed by a Texan, for Texans.

Texans Touring LONDON book on the table::

In this handy purse-sized tome are six pages devoted to London’s museums. Let’s be real, six 5×7 pages are not enough to cover hundreds of places (I believe there are 32 mentioned in the book).

But it’s a start! Plus, we have this series of Prepare to be Amazed.

To order a copy of this printed treasure, click here.

London Museums sorted by Specialty and Interest

Many of the UK’s national museums charge no admission to enter and revel in the exhibits.

Organized by topic, here are 20 of the most visited London museums, with openings and entry fees noted. As mentioned before, there are hundreds of museums in London and the surrounding area, so there may be a few missing from this list.

The criteria for making the cut are the awesomeness and immersiveness of the experience; location, collections, amenities and surroundings.

Each post has links are posted for each museum in case you need more details, like hours and directions. The physical address, a short description of the collections, amenities like cafes and gift shops, days open and admission fee, if any.

Lone Star divider ::

Three Categories of London Museums

My 20 top London museums are divided into three simple categories; Art, Royals and Cultural.


London Art Museums :: Students studying the art in the Tate Britain, London ::

This grouping includes the Museum of Brands, the National Gallery, the Tate Britain, the Tate Modern, the Wallace Collection and the Victoria and Albert Museum.


London Royals Museums :: Panoramic view of the British Museum ::

The Royals’ grouping includes Buckingham Palace (bonus Madame Tussauds Royal Experience), the Royal Observatory, the Imperial War Museum, the British Museum and the Bank of England Museum.


London Cultural Museums :: Natural History Museum ::

The Cultural grouping includes the British Library, the Charles Dickens Museum, the Sherlock Holmes Museum, the Churchill War Rooms, the Garden Museum, the Natural History Museum, the Science Museum, the Arsenal Museum and Emirates Stadium Tour, and the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum.

For more London museums with a Double Decker bus ::

Have a blast perusing collections, eating at themed restaurants, shopping in lovely gift shops and expanding your imagination.

If you have a favorite London museum we forgot to mention, please let us know in the comments.

Cheerio, y’all!

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